Wedding Décor Modern Greens

Wedding Décor is a favorite of mine! I have gained a lot of insite after working on over 10 weddings + other party events in a variety of ways. Like interior design, weddings are a great way to work with a couple to “marry” their style + character of each into a beautiful backdrop for the day. It’s also the perfect chance to be inventive with cost effective DIY décor projects.

This beautiful couple’s wedding décor had lovely shades of green with touches of blue + pale pinks + styled in a clean + elegant way. This seating chart was a new favorite DIY for me! I had the pegboard from a previous project which I painted along with dimensional lettering for the heading. I had the little greenery wreaths + just added painted cardboard numbers. These add a nice texture + dimension to the coordinating printed cards. The florist’s arrangement added the soft touch that completed look.


My “Artist workspace”


Custom Wall Hangings